(in German)
- Luzerner Zeitung (Newspaper article) dated 19.1.19 about the exhibition “Going for a Walk” at Neubad Gallery (Pirmin Bossart): “Promis erleben den Kick des Spazierens”
- SRF (Swiss Radio and Television) Regionaljournal dated 16.1.19 (Philippe Weizenegger): about the Exhibition “Taking a Walk”
- Zentralplus (Newspaper article) dated 13.1.19 about the exhibition «Going for a Walk» (Isabelle Dahinden): Article
- Kulturmagazin 041 Issue January 2019. Pictures from a walk in Berlin: PDF
- Zentralplus (Newspaper article) dated 2.4.18 about the KKLB in Beromünster (Isabelle Dahinden): «Wir sind das Zentrum und alle anderen sind ringsum»
- Luzerner Zeitung (Newspaper article) dated 25.11.17 about the exhibition “Museum of the Future” at bau 4 in Altbüron (Julia Stephan): “Neue Räume für Kunst”
- Willisauer Bote (Newspaper article) dated 14.11.17 about the exhibition “Museum of the Future” at bau 4 in Altbüron (Pirmin Bossart): “Fundstücke aus dem Alltag werden Kunst” English translation can be found here.
- SRF (Swiss Radio and Television) Regionaljournal dated 4.10.17 about the Berlin-Project “KKLB Berlin / Museum of the Future” (Philippe Weizenegger): “Kunst ist überall”
And with German Subtitles: Das Museum der Zukunft
- Anzeiger Michelsamt (Newspaper article) dated 20.10.16: “The Museum of the Future needs no building”
- Magazine “Echt”, Winter 2015: “Yesterday’s snow”
- SRF (Swiss Radio and Television) Regionaljournal dated 8.10.15 being on the way in the KKLB (Radka Laubacher): «So oder andersch»
- Kulturmagazin 041 Issue October 2015. In conversation with Pirmin Bossart: “The benefits of pilgrimaging to the countryside”
- NZZ-Portrait (Newspaper article) by Erich Aschwanden dated 24.7.14: “Swiss visionaries: Art entrepreneur with a sense of mission”
- SRF (Swiss Radio and Television) Regionaljournal dated 22.4.14 (Stefan Eiholzer): “Enhancing the Lucerne Hospital’s quality with Art”